What customers have to say about our size and fit advice tool.


📝Learning Culture at Fitle

Rather than suffer from a culture of right and wrong where success is rewarded and failure automatically punished and hence a culture where organisations never focus on learning what made anything successful or unsuccessful - at Fitle, we instead focus on a culture of learning, where even failure can be of value if that experience provides several key learnings.

These key lessons, whether following successes or failures, concretely feed the product roadmap and confirm or change the direction in which our tools and our value proposition are heading.

The main source of these lessons comes from e-commerce customers who need to choose the right size of clothes as easily and as reassuring as trying it on.The real insights come from customers, from human behaviors in the real world, and the goal is to observe these behaviors and see them changed by our product.

👥Users Voices : Points of contact with customers

1.💯Rating of the Fitle Size Recommendation Tool

We ask customers who have just received a Fitle size advice to rate how helpful the size advisor was to their size choice and shopping experience :

“Did you find the sizing recommendation useful?”

2.🗣Customers feedbacks on the size recommendation tool and what they think needs improvement

We ask customers who have just received a Fitle size recommendation to provide feedback on the recommendation tool.

What people think of the size recommandation tool

« Wow!! This is the most specific sizing process I’ve done online! I found it very helpful! I feel way more confident making an online purchase this time! »

A customer fromMud Jeans

« Gave me a good idea of my size. »

A customer fromMaison Lejaby

« Super simple et intéressant, en plus nous sommes guidés en fonction de la manière dont on aime porter les vêtements. J'aime beaucoup !! Bravo pour ce service ! »

A customer fromJennyfer

« It’s the best approach of sizing advice I have ever seen in online shop! Congratulations! »

A customer fromOfficine Générale

« Très bien expliqué, vous posez les bonnes questions. Je n'avais jamais eu tant d'informations, j’ai appris sur ma morphologie :) »

A customer fromUndiz

« Excelente!!! Ojalá todas las marcas tuvieran esto. »

A customer fromBalzac

« Génial pour un cadeau. Cela donne une bonne idée avant de se lancer. »

A customer fromBalzac

« The first site that really helps me to better understand my body shape and to purchase the right product! Thank you! »

A customer fromMud Jeans

« Ultra pratique, plutôt que d’avoir à se mesurer. »

A customer fromAtelier Unes

3.📱Continuous User Tests

In addition to testing our solutions at each iteration and release, at Fitle we have created a cadence by building in non-negotiable customer feedback time every week where we test whatever we have built so far in order to capture key learnings, confirm what we already know and learn new things. In addition to these optimisation lessons, the goal is to look for "eyes light up moments", the moments when our size recommendation tool delivers value to the user and meets their needs. Our mission is to identify these moments and amplify them in the future.

Some of those moments...

⭐️A size recommendation that also gives fit advice :The size recommendation screen allows customers to compare the fit of the three sizes most suited to their morphology to make the right choice.

→ A User Reaction:He hadn't planned on having a particular fit when choosing the garment but the wish of having an oversize jacket came when seeing the comfort of the two best sizes, and by comparing them. In the end, he didn't follow the size recommendation: he went for the second size, the one with a looser fit overall, as he preferred to wear this jacket a bit loose. By suggesting that other sizes could fit and by comparing the comfort of each one, the user was helped, reassured, and was able to make the size choice that best matched his preferences - even if he did not choose the initial recommended size.

Plus, having the fit in mind for each size reassured him even more, because he knows what he's buying. According to him, a size recommendation without visualization of comfort would not have erased his doubts. According to him, our tool does not only offer a size recommendation but also advice for comfort, fit and style.

⭐️An easier to read size chart, a better comparison, for a better decision :In addition to the size recommendation and fit advice, Fitle displays the size chart and the measurements predicted by the algorithm (so users do not have to measure themselves). Fitle also indicates the position of the wearer for each measurement of the size chart. This will allow wearers to identify the ideal size and realize if it might be tight or loose in a measure.

→ A User Reaction:He thinks that showing predicted measurements and the size guide is great for a consumer. He would even have saved the measurements for his personal use, for a future e-commerce purchase where he will be in doubt. In addition, having these measurements and the size guide allowed him to understand how the size recommendation is created and therefore to be reassured.

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